Coaching, Silver Group Coaching Membership

  • Every month

Monthly Group Coaching Membership to make more money, experience more joy, and succeed with ease. Click image for more info.

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Product Description


  • Earn MORE money with LESS time and effort, and have a lot more FUN in the process.
  • Get your business aligned with who you are and grow it like a BUSINESS and not a job!
  • Become a lead-generating MACHINE with powerful marketing systems and strategies.
  • Stop being busy and channel your time and energy into REVENUE-PRODUCING activity.
  • Get CONNECTED to & learn from highly successful people from around the globe!
  • Have ROBERTA’S influence to keep your mind lifted and FOCUSED on what WORKS!


Membership is monthly and includes the following five benefits:

  • SUCCESS SERIES. Great audio content delivered to you each month with expert tips, strategies and interviews with some of the world’s most successful professionals and entrepreneurs to keep you on top of what works!
  • FREE YOURSELF to Success Newsletter Express. Why read volumes, when you can earn as you learn with the mini-newsletter that gives you the EXPRESS to success.  Our biggest obstacle is us - so read this newsletter monthly to stay out of your own way and on the path to achieving more with ease.
  • SECRET SAUCE LIVE Mastermind Group Call. Each month, gather with other highly successful people to keep you having more fun, and your business in forward motion and making more money.  Calls are interactive and include the opportunity to ask and learn from others. Group call recordings are provided - so you never miss a call and can listen to your favorites again and again!
  • JAM SESSION LIVE Q&A Group Call. Each month, gather with other members for a live "open mic" call where you get the opportunity to have Roberta coach you or ask her your most front-burner coaching questions.  This is your chance to get some one-on-one time with Roberta - or just listen in to learn from other inquiring members.
  • SIX FIGURE CHALLENGE. To help keep you moving and in a state of productive action, each month, members are offered a challenge to help you focus and keep your business in forward motion. Participating is not required, but encouraged! Those who participate are awarded by their action, but also with a special gift.
  • PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP SITE ACCESS.  Silver Members receive their own private account where all member benefits and materials are centrally located and delivered digitally.  Includes access to the Silver Level library of resources to help you move your business forward, including current and future audios, products, courses, interviews, newsletters, materials, and more.  And, we are loyal to our loyal members. Active members will always have access to the material AND to all of the latest upgrades, new features and benefits without ever having a rate increase!



*All materials delivered digitally and accessed via coaching member's membership site account.

*There are no individual one-on-one calls or emails with Roberta with the Silver Group Coaching Program.


Silver coaching is a monthly program.  Members may cancel at any time.  By purchasing, you agree to the Terms & Conditions of the Silver Group Coaching Participation Agreement. 



“I love your work and the spiritual place you come from because it reminds me to bring that light into my real estate work. Much of real estate is left brain, but the joy is in the right brain. Thank you for all you do!!! You make a beautiful difference in the world!!! I look forward to more…“- Dare Tulloch, Virginia Properties, Virginia, Silver Member

“Roberta is excellent at what she does and everyone whom she touches benefits. I say that as someone who has benefited.” Mark Silverman, Transformational Coach & Author of Only 10s: Using Distraction to Get the Right Things Done.

“Thanks for making me a better Realtor.” - Mary Sellman, Virginia, Silver Coaching

"I've never been a self-help type person.  The [Success Series interviews]... - I LOVE them.  They're really intelligent conversations. [Roberta is] more intelligent, targeted, and fun than any coach I've worked with before..." Lili Sheeline, Long & Foster, Washington D.C.

"I love listening...Roberta is a masterful interviewer.  She has the ability to ask the exact question you're thinking.  She's able to get right to what matters most, really focusing on the most salient topic areas with no fluff." Kathy Brooks, Frederick MD

"When I get my Success's like Christmas morning!" Michelle Rollins, Keller Williams, McMurray, PA

“Roberta has the rare quality of being both a great interviewer and interviewee.  I’ve interviewed scores of people and she is one of my all-time favorite interviewees.  I’ve found that those, like Roberta, who have great content and are good public speakers tend to be the best interviewees.  As an interviewer, Roberta is a curious, interesting, and thoughtful individual who has the ability to the take the topics two and three levels deep, while getting her ideas across clearly and easily, making the interview very accessible. - Patrick Lilly, Core NYC, Wall Street Journal’s Top 250 Realtor, Founder Real Estate Success Rocks Conference.

"For over six years I’ve been a subscriber to Roberta’s Success Series audios.  I consider her a very special professional friend and partner. When she speaks to my agents she helps them improve their business and the audios have given me so much excellent information to pass onto them in my sales meetings and coaching sessions.  She is an inspiration for business women and has definitely been an important part of my success as a manager, trainer, and coach.  Many, many thanks Roberta!" - Judy Curren, Bethesda, MD, Silver Coaching